
Start Your Day with a Coffee Substitute

There are plenty of reasons to cut coffee out of your life, or at least to cut back on consumption. But the biggest reason comes down simply to variety.

Coffee offers some serious advantages, but it also has some downsides compared to the alternatives. From the British tradition of morning tea to a spicy and savory Indian concoction to highly developed modern formulas rooted in science, the world is filled with compelling alternatives to coffee.

If you’re dealing with any of these symptoms, coffee may be to blame – and you can be guaranteed that there’s an alternative that offers the benefits you want without the downsides.

Insomnia and Irregular Sleep

The caffeine in coffee helps us push past our breaking point and continue to stay alert and competent. Unfortunately, it doesn’t discriminate. If there’s caffeine in your system, it will keep you awake whether you want it to or not – and regularly ingesting large amounts of caffeine can wreak havoc on your internal metabolism and sleep cycles in a major way.

Loss of Energy

It’s ironic that most of us take coffee for a boost of energy when it’s only going to drain that energy in terms of the bigger picture. In other words, your body will come to expect that boost of caffeine just to achieve normal levels of activity.

Dependency on caffeine is a real issue, and that means that it can be beneficial to adopt a coffee substitute even if you don’t decide to use it as a full-time replacement for your cup of morning joe.


If you’ve been told that you need to manage your cholesterol, you’ve probably also been told that you need to be careful about your coffee intake. Many of the compounds in coffee cause buildup in your arteries of LDL cholesterol. This can cause your arteries to harden and constrict the flow of blood to and from your heart. The impact on your cardiac health can be dramatic. And while managing your coffee intake and using filtered options can help reduce that risk, many coffee alternatives actually offer beneficial impacts on your heart health.

Mushroom powders and many teas are especially high in antioxidants, and those antioxidants can help reduce free radicals in your body and facilitate more unrestrained blood flow in your arteries.

Risk of Addiction

Caffeine is highly addictive, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be a part of your regular diet. The problem isn’t with the presence of caffeine in coffee but merely the scale of it.

Caffeine relies almost entirely on caffeine to provide drinkers with an energy boost – and if you regularly find yourself drinking multiple cups a day, you may find yourself dealing with withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit or cut back. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe for heavy drinkers and include increased irritation, upset stomach, and chronic headaches.

Safe For Expecting Mothers

While pregnant mothers can safely drink a cup of coffee a day, anything beyond that could potentially put a baby at risk for health issues. Many coffee alternatives don’t come with these disadvantages. If you’re expecting, you may want to start mixing coffee alternatives into your rotation.

And even if you’re just trying to have a baby, you may want to get used to the taste now. No one wants to deal with withdrawal while they’re already dealing with morning sickness. And the added health benefits of a coffee substitute like MUD\WTR mean that you’re not just reducing the risk of negative health effects in your baby. It means that you’re increasing the odds of them excelling.

Shashank Jain

Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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