Natural Living for Women makes no warranties or claims about the advices, products, suggestions  or services mentioned on this site, it’s newsletter, blog, social media or within any correspondence. The performance of these products or the service provided are the sole responsibility of the manufacturer or company providing them.

All information on this site, newsletter, blog social media or within any correspondence is provided for informational purposes only and is meant to provide you with resources that may help you decide for yourself.

The information on this site is frequently updated and every effort is made to be as accurate and up to date as possible but there are no guarantees.





Throughout Natural Living for Women many links are provided to various products and companies. Some of these links are affiliate links. If you click on them and make a purchase a small commission may be paid. This does not increase the price of the item in any way.

I work very hard to provide thorough and helpful info for my readers. All of the links that I provide are either researched very carefully or are items that have been used by me. When I write product reviews most of the time I purchase the products myself to try them out. If I am sent a free product to try I will let you know.

This site is growing constantly and I have more women reading it than ever. I feel it is my responsibility to provide the best info I can to help you be more informed as you shop. All the links I provide are what I consider to be the best options for a particular item and are meant to make shopping a little easier. Sometimes one of the best options is one of the places I am affiliated with which may offer the best selections, prices or maybe even free shipping.