
7 Signs of Poor Nutrition in Dogs

Poor nutrition in dogs can result in severe disorders, including fur loss, emaciation, rickets, obesity, and allergies. However, poor nutrition is not always caused by a lack of crucial nutrients in your furry friend’s diet. Digestive illnesses that prevent proper absorption of nutrients, lack of enough food, and overprovision of nutrients could also result in nutritional deficiency. Here are seven signs and symptoms of poor nutrition in dogs.

Weight loss

One of the most obvious signs of poor nutrition in dogs is weight loss. A poor diet makes it difficult for your dog to sustain healthy body weight, and it may become underweight. You may notice protruding rib bones, indicating that it is malnourished. It is worth noting that weight loss does not necessarily mean that your dog is malnourished, and it could be a sign of a non-diet-related illness. Visit a vet for a quick examination to determine the primary reason for your dog’s weight loss and get access to more information on proper diet.

Lack of energy

Dogs will often run around and exercise, regardless of their breed. If you notice that your pup is constantly lying around and is no longer active, it could indicate poor nutrition. Consider investing in dog food rich in carbs or highly digestible meals to boost your canine’s energy levels. 

Poo problems

Constantly monitor your puppy’s droppings to notice changes in their feces. A healthy canine should excrete malleable, chocolate-brown waste free from foreign objects and mucus. A change in the feces could indicate issues with your dog’s digestive system, including poor nutrition. Constipation and diarrhea could suggest that the current diet or the food ingredients are not ideal for your dog.

Poor coat health

If your furry friend’s beautiful, soft and smooth coat suddenly turned brittle and dull, it could be a sign of malnutrition. Dogs depend on vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy fur and skin, so a lack of these nutrients could change your canine’s coloring, coat, and texture. Consult your vet immediately if you also notice hair loss or the thinning of your pup’s coat.


Your pup may start vomiting to reduce the toxic levels of specific vitamins from their bodies. Seek professional assistance if your canine vomits regularly to prevent dehydration.

Skin problems

If your dog is experiencing an allergic reaction to certain foods, you may notice redness or irritation on their skin. Dandruff also indicates that your furry friend cannot utilize essential nutrients in their bodies.

Change in behavior

A reaction to certain ingredients in your dog’s diet or a nutritional imbalance could cause sudden changes in your dog’s behavior. They may experience sudden appetite loss, excessive drooling, increased appetite and stretching, hyperactivity, and drinking or urinating more. A behavioral change is caused by various reasons, so ensure that you speak to a veterinarian for the correct diagnosis.


Proper nutrition helps your furry companion build and repair muscles, develop strong and healthy bones and teeth, and fight infections. If you notice the above sign and symptoms, then it is time to adjust your dog’s diet for a happier and healthier pup,

Shashank Jain

Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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