Health Care

Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health

Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health

Most people will argue that mobile phones have changed our lives better. They strengthened personal safety, accelerated emergency response, and facilitated immediate communication. However, the radiation they emit can put you at risk for cancerous brain tumors. Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health

They are a symbol of our time.

mobile phone. From Europe to Asia to the Middle East, 4 billion people use them all over the world.

In this Chinese movie called “Mobile Phone”, a mobile phone kills people if they forget to stay at home. His wife discovers his relationship with him and a young woman.

This week’s Senate hearing did not deal with people’s private lives.

International researchers and US legislators have investigated whether the radiation emitted by mobile phones is killing you.


It was agreed that several studies have associated high long-term use of mobile phones with brain tumors.

Dr. Siegal Sadetzki advises the Israeli Ministry of Health.

“I think mobile technology with many benefits will stay here,” Sadetsuki said. “The answer is not whether or not you should use your cell phone, but how you should use it.”

Health warnings for mobile phone users are issued by governments in several countries.

Dr. Linda Erdreich represents the $ 4 trillion wireless industry. She says you don’t have to worry.

“Current evidence does not show that the phone causes cancer or other adverse health effects,” he said. Eldrich.

But the experience of the Teresa Gregorian calendar raises questions. She says she has been using mobile phones since the mid-1990s and she gave up on landlines. The bad news came in 2008. She has a non-functioning brain tumor. Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health

Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health
Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health

“I used my cell phone for a few hours a day, right where the tumor was or was,” he explained.

In the United States, 270 million people use mobile phones. 70% of teens have teens or pre-teens. Younger children are even more vulnerable.

“Radiation penetrates deeper into the heads of children aged 5 or 3 than adults,” explains epidemiologist Devla Lee Davis. Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health

She says her children are at high risk because her skull is thin. “Science needs more research, but we’re ready to put our children’s brains at risk until we know for sure if this is dangerous,” he said. Hooray.

The results of studies on cancer associations are inconsistent, but scientists urge consumers to be safe rather than regret it.

Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health
Mobile Phones That Are Dangerous To Brain Health

The idea is to keep the phone away from your body. Use headphones or headphones to keep your smartphone on your belt without putting it in your pocket.

Text messaging is excellent. It protects against radiation and keeps the phone away from you.

Senator Tom Harkin chaired the hearing. He says he has just started asking questions.

“I remember the experience of tobacco in this country. It’s been decades, from the first warning about smoking to the definitive conclusion that tobacco causes lung cancer,” Harkin said.

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